September 8, 2021
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Brothel or escort agency?
A brothel or commonly known as a parlour typically features a bar at the entrance where you are able to meet the ladies prior to making an appointment. Multiple bedrooms and ladies. Escorts often are to work 12-hour shifts with brothels being commonly open 24 hours a day.
- • No appointments needed
- • Ability to meet the escorts before booking
- • You are able to see a girl at any time of day or night
- • You will see other clients in the bar
- • Ability to meet the escorts before booking
- • You may bump into someone you know
Escort Agency
An escort agency is by appointment only, like La Fleur, typically a space where there are multiple ladies working within an apartment. Managed via a receptionist who takes care of the girl’s wellbeing & ease of booking for clients.
- • Quick responses to booking requests
- • Ability to see your favourite ladies availability a week prior
- • Eftpos payments
- • Photos are accurate to the ladies as an agency itself doesn’t want a bad reputation
- • Escorts are in charge of their own hours
- • Escorts have a higher percentage of pay
- • Escorts have a safe environment to work from
- • There may be other clients in the apartment (however you will not see or hear them)
- • You may need to make an advance booking to ensure you see the lady you desire.
We hope this helps, please let us know if you have any comments or questions.